Severe Weather Advisory - Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian is currently striking the west coast of Florida as a Category 4 hurricane, yielding damaging winds and severe flooding. Winds of up to 150 mph (241 kmh) have been recorded, and storm surges are expecting of up to 12-18 ft in parts of the state.

This severe weather is causing logistical disruptions in the Southeast US. Widespread flight disruptions and cancellations have been reported at Florida’s airports – including Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Southwest Florida, and Ft. Lauderdale. Operations disruptions are also being felt at airports as far north at Atlanta and Denver. Some 23% of system-wide operations for American Airlines are reported to have been disrupted today.

Port terminal closures are also expected on both the west and east coasts of Florida as the storm moves north. This is expected to impact vessel schedules throughout the US East Coast.

Ground transportation is impractical in large portions of Florida due to evacuations and flooding.

The storm is projected to move northward as it losses power, crossing over the east coast of Florida and past Jacksonville and Savannah towards Charlotte.

If you have a shipment in the Southeast US at this time, our team will do our best to keep you informed of status. Transit disruptions should be expected in the effected areas though due to the storm.

Please stay tuned for further advisories.

Sources: The Weather Channel, FlightAware, Industry Sources


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